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Spring Mission 2023

Monday April 24, 2023
Sunday morning the team split up to go to two different churches.  Half of us went to Agape Christian Fellowship, led by Pastor Reuben Luvanga, and the other half to Mahanga PEFA Church led by Bishop Fredrick Ndondo, who is also a board member of Agape Care Net Clinic. 
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Kim got reaquainted with her namesake, Precious Kim, Reuben and Moureen's daughter.
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And this little guy was fascinated by the mzungu's in church.
Sunday afternoon we held our first training session with the Agape Care Net Clinic staff and volunteers.
Ben Edwards spoke about the necessity of strategic planning and church relationships.
Kim spoke on the centrality of the gospel in all we do and the sanctity of human life.
There was lots of time for questions and answers.
It was a really full and satisfying day as reconnected with old friends and made new ones.  
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Linda Galle shared about her new friend, Faith. "This is Faith, my dear sister in Christ, who I met at the Care Net training session, and who shared her own "crisis pregnancy" story with me. Faith recently graduated from nursing school and now volunteers 6 days a week at the Agape Care Net Clinic.  What a blessing it has been for our team to meet these amazing volunteers who want to serve our Lord in this ministry!"
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Spring Mission 2023
Spring Mission 2023

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