- Overview
- Past Trips
- Trip Documents
Join an API USA Medical Mission Team as we partner with Kenyan doctors, nurses, translators, pastors and church members to minister to the Kenyan people by providing free healthcare, sharing the Gospel and possibly planting a new church through CHE (community health evangelism) and ministering to children through a mini-VBS. Our mission team can consist of a wide variety of volunteers – medical personnel (physicians, physician assistants, nurses, paramedics, physical therapists, staff taking histories & vitals, untrained pharmacy assistants and data input personnel), VBS staff and an evangelism team.
Each clinic day, there are children everywhere. Some are waiting with an adult to be treated while others are just curious about these white people who bring medicine and who teach them about the love of Jesus. These children who have practically no material possessions are filled with love and joy and are ready to play or just be held.
Our evangelism team is comprised of Kenyan pastors and lay leaders along with committed Christians from the U.S. who have been trained to share the love of God while leading individuals to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Their first responsibility is to minister to patients after they receive their treatment and medication. There may be other times when they can evangelize to people in their homes or on the streets. The site for at least one medical camp is in a location where a new church could be planted from the new converts.
The 6 clinic days (3 each in two different locations) are long and filled with unexpected surprises and blessings. The work is both arduous and joyous. In addition to treating many patients who have little access to healthcare, we also have the privilege of praying with each person for God’s healing using man’s medication.
We will get to experience worship and prayer in Kenyan churches that will lift your heart and fill your soul. The Kenyans have much to teach us about worship, prayer, faith and a personal relationship with our Lord.
We may also have the opportunity to visit a giraffe and/or elephant rehabilitation center and one of Kenya’s game parks – Masai Mara National Game Park or Lake Nukuru National Game Park. Another of God’s greatest creations is the incredible variety of wildlife that is found in abundance in Kenya.
The conditions during these medical mission trips are more civilized than many places in Africa, but not a walk in the park. The accommodations and travel are acceptable, but certainly not the way we vacation in America. Bring your Bible and camera and an open-mind and record a lifetime of blessings and memories.
The cost for each trip may vary depending upon the medical camp location and duration but is generally about $3000 and includes airfare, food, lodging, ground transportation and wildlife viewing. Our Lord’s blessings and the joy of serving Him in Kenya are free.
Click here to contact Gary Scherer or call (760) 445-9777 for more information or to reserve your place on the team today.Join Our Medical Ministry Camp Team in Kaburengu, Kenya
Sept 11 - 25, 2024
• Servants with a Loving Heart (vitals, photo/video, worship, pharmacy, data input, lab, directing patient flow)Volunteer to Serve Our Lord
• Prayer Warriors
• Evangelism
• MD, DDS, PA, PharmD, RN, LVN, RPT, EMT, Lab Tech
"...inasmuch as you did it to one of the least
of these My brethen, you did it to Me." Matthew 25:40
• Free Treatment, Medication & Wound Care for 2,000+ Adults, Children & InfantsMedical Ministry Camp (MMC)
• Evangelize to the Patients
• New Believer's Class
• Worship in a Kenyan Church • Staff Devotions & Worship
• Night at Manyatta Tent Camp • Visit Maasai Mara Game Park
Gary Scherer (760) 445-9777 • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lesley Scherer (619) 985-6744 • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Itinerary: 2024-9_MMC_Itinerary_Western_Kenya.pdf- Trip Application Package
Fundraising Kit
Support Documents